joi, 16 iunie 2011


Mereu ma tem de eclipsa de luna.Ca mie imi place luna si desi stiu ca mereu apare la loc dupa eclipsa;atunci cand o mananca umbra pamantului,ma tem.
Mie imi place luna.Mi-a placut si in seara asta.Am stat de i-am tinut de urat pe malu marii si i-am dat sa asculte muzica pana am ramas fara baterie.Nu s-a speriat.S-a lasat cucerita de umbra s-apoi a reaparut stralucitoare sa-mi multumeasca ca nu am lasat-o singura.
Eu nu fac poze cu luna eclipsata.Mie-mi place de ea plina si mare,cand imi vorbeste pe intelesul meu.
S-acum cand scriu despre ea ma priveste de la geam si-mi lumineaza camera.luna mi-e prietena buna si desi are si ea fazele ei ne intelegem tare bine.
De exemplu cand e ea asa mare si frumoasa nu ma lasa sa dorm:imi povesteste povesti nemuritoare ca-n o mie si una de nopti,imi provoaca insomnii cauzatoare de inspiratie scriitoriceasca si pictoriceasca..caci mereu pictez si scriu la lumina ei.
Cand e noua am grija de ea ca de o prietena depresiva.mereu se plange ca-i e teama de intuneric si de invidioasele de stele..n-am reusit sa-i fac cunostinta nici macar cu luceafarul care-i baiat frumos,din neam bun,cu istorie in vrea si gata..zice c-a auzit ea ca acum ceva vreme ar fi incercat el sa convinga o muritoare sa-i fie sotie..dar ea n-a mereu imi zice sa am grija cu luceafarul.ii e frica si de norii albi si de cei negri, se teme de orice pisica ce miauna pe acoperisuri,zice ca nu-i frumoasa,ca nu straluceste indeajuns,ca pe ea nimeni nu o place,ca pescarusii o trezesc din somn..luna cu fazele ei..
Luna in crestere e tare simpatica..stie ca urmeaza perioada de stralucire maxima dar nu se grabeste..isi face planuri,proiecte,mii de vise;puna la cale idei si-mi bate nebuna in geam uneori ca si-a descoperit o noua pasiune:ba un pictor nou,ba o carte buna,ba a auzit o melodie si-o fredoneaza zile in sir..chiar daca nu are voce..uneori e atat de entuziasmata ca raguseste cantand.Cateodata ma face sa stau ore in sir pe net pana gaseste ea poze cu desert sau fetite sufland baloane.O data mi-a zis ca vrea sa invete germana si m-a pus sa-i cumpar un ghid de conversatie.Imi place si luna in crestere..e ca un speacker motivational.
Luna descrescatoare e muncitoare.toata lumea o ignora dar mie mi se pare o fata tare duce la munca in fiecare seara,vorbeste frumos cu toata lumea,isi face treaba,plateste facturi,spala rufe,sterge praful..stie ce are de facut si nu se da in gandeste la viitor,la restante,la licenta,la ce va fi cand o sa fie din cand in cand ofteaza privind in gol cu capul usor inclinat spre dreapta.mereu spre dreapta...

ma amuza faptul ca desi toate zodiile au planetele lor,zodia mea nu are planeta..o are pe luna.
daca voi avea vreodata o fetita o va chema alia luna.

3 comentarii:

  1. Dear girl,

    So nice of you, so nice to feel your eyes on the moon. Eclipse, yes, a tease, the whole I've seen in your eyes.
    Far better men than me have spoken of this but the resemblance to your spirit is touching every time I hear this favorite. I saw the crescent, you saw the whole of the moon. I spoke of wings you just flew. Scimitars and scarves. You stretched for the stars. You're still there, flying. I'm glad I see you now and then.
    Here in Mike Scott's words for my words fail much too often.

    with much affection,

    If you'd rather listen than read, be delighted dear, this is you, a fantastic you:


    I pictured a rainbow
    you held it in your hands
    I had flashes
    but you saw the plan
    I wandered out in the world for years
    you just stayed in your room
    I saw the crescent
    You saw the whole of the moon
    The whole of the moon...

    You were there in the turnstiles
    with the wind at your heels
    you stretched for the stars
    and you know how it feels
    to reach too high, too far, too soon
    You saw the whole of the moon

    I was grounded
    while you filled the skies
    I was dumbfounded by truth
    you cut through lies
    I saw the rain dirty valley
    you saw Brigadoon
    I saw the crescent
    You saw the whole of the moon

    I spoke about wings
    you just flew
    I wondered I guessed and I tried
    you just knew
    I sighed
    but you swooned
    I saw the crescent
    You saw the whole of the moon
    The whole of the moon...

    With a torch in your pocket
    and the wind at your heels
    you climbed on the ladder
    and you know how it feels
    to get too high, too far, too soon
    You saw the whole of the moon
    The whole of the moon...

    Unicorns and cannonballs, palaces and piers,
    trumpets, towers and tenements
    wide oceans full of tears
    flags, rags, ferryboats, scimitars and scarves
    every precious dream and vision underneath the stars
    You climbed on the ladder
    with the wind in your sails
    you came like a comet
    blazing your trail
    too high, too far, too soon
    You saw the whole of the moon !

    Written: New York January 1985 / London Feb 1985
    Appears: On "This Is The Sea", "Best Of", "Live Adventures" and "The Whole Of The Moon"
