joi, 15 noiembrie 2012

mylove 40s anniversary thoughts

The big 4 today! So what have I learned? I ve learned that no matter how much I travel, there is no place like home. It is the journey that matters and not the destination. I ve learned that experience cannot be taught but only lived, so al...
low people to fall onto their face! Every time that I get a slap from life I get up stronger because I dare to live. I ve learned that no matter how much you love there is no better feeling than to be loved. From all the women I loved I only remember those who loved me back and the hope to find the one who will love me more. I ve learned that I have a choice, to be happy! I ve learned that while the boxer is in the ring, friends can only give their support outside the ropes, so the fight is yours! We are born alone and die alone but in between we have a choice. I ve learned to allow the tears to fall to ease the pain and purify the soul. I ve learned to make my reality through the illusion of the mind! I ve learned that you enjoy food when you are hungry, enjoy sleep when you are exhausted, miss your loved ones when you are away, value something when you loose it. I ve also learned that the small things in life matter the most. I ve learned that you can turn loneliness and yourself into your allie instead of your greatest enemy. The more knowledge I gain the less I know, so dont ask me for advise because I will only give you my opinion. I ve learned to be carefull of my thoughts because they become actions and actions become behaviour and behaviour becomes personality and personality becomes character and character defines who you are! I ve learned that friends are like jems that brighten your world, so thank you for your wishes!

miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2012

in noapte

Nu stiu de ce..sau poate stiu dar oricat de mult as incerca sa imi reglez somnul nu reusesc niciodata sa adorm la ore normale.
oricat de mult as incerca sa ma bag in pat la 12 nu adorm mai devreme de 3 si oricat de mult as incerca sa ma trezesc la 10 in zilele in care nu am ceva important de facut;somnul ma doboara.pentru mine ziua e noapte si noaptea e zi..tind sa cred din ce in ce mai mult ca vorbele alea cu cine se naste noaptea,noaptea traieste sunt adevarate..oare am sa fiu un om nocturn toata viata?sau voi sfarsi ca toti oamenii legata de un job care-mi stabileste programul normal si voi intra in rutina oamenilor normali,asa cum trebuie..

n-am ascultat niciodata o slujba bisericeasca de pe trinitas sau eu mai stiu ce posturi tv bisericesti insa in aceasta magica noapte in care m-am bagat in pat la 2 si-am incercat cu disperare sa adorm,am sfarsit prin a citi pana la 3 jumate..cand au inceput sa-mi zboare gandurile de la poveste am fumat o tigara si ca sa nu ma indepartez prea tare de subiectul religie acum ascult o slujba de pe un post turcesc.

nu inteleg o iota din ce canta imamul lor(macar cum se zice la popa stiu)dar intr-un fel ciudat ma linisteste.mereu am fost atrasa de cultura islamica..

mi-as dori sa pot impartasi cu cineva vorbele astea..probabil ca asta este motivul pentru care le scriu..imi place sa scriu..indiferent ca va citi sau nu cineva vorbele mele sau nu..le simt spuse chiar daca sunt doar scrise si asa...imi mai usurez sufletul..ciudat faptul ca nu scriu decat cand ma simt odios de intr-un fel..bun sau rau..totusi am reusit oarecum ca atunci cand ma simt odios de bine sa nu mai scriu ci sa traiesc..cred ca daca voi termina vreodata cartea pe care am inceput-o acum multa vreme va fi foarte un feeling..
si multumesc cuiva pentru cuvantul odios..imi place mult
si mi-as dori sa-mi gasesc linistea