ana este fata minune la nasterea careia ursitoarele cele bune i-au ursit o viata grozava.mama anei nu a invitat insa la ursita si ursitoarea cea rea.aceasta,suparata ca nu a fost invitata i-a ursit pe ascuns :sa fii cea mai buna in orice ai face pana voi afla motivul pentru care mama ta nu m-a invitat la ursita.
iata cum ana a crescut si se dovedea a fi o fetita geniala.
la inceputul clasei 1 voia sa devina medic chirurg si a invatat toate organele,rolul lor,muschii,oasele si tot ceea ce tine de corpul uman..
pe la sfarsitul clasei a patra ana voia sa devina pictor si a inceput sa picteze dumnezeieste tot ce ii iesea in cale..
in clasa a 8-a ana s-a decis ca avea sa fie model si iata ca in scurt timp de la absolvirea unei scoli de modeling a devenit cel mai bun instructor de modeling insa s-a plictisit de aceasta bransa..
la mijlocul liceului ana s-a indragostit de muzica si iata ca s-a ivit ocazia de a inregistra un album..
inainte de marea lansare a albumului ana s-a decis sa fie creatoare de moda si a inceput sa deseneze cele mai frumoase modele de rochii..
inainte ca modelele ei sa fie vazute de un creator de moda care ar fi putut sa o lanseze pe ana in lumea designerilor ana s-a indragostit nebuneste si s-a decis sa devina iubita perfecta..
cu putin timp inainte de a fi ceruta in casatorie ana a renuntat la iubit si a decis ca vrea sa fie o fata pe picioarele ei.
s-a angajat si in scurt timp a ajuns foarte buna in domeniul respectiv..
apoi s-a decis sa scrie o carte..a inceput-o,a continuat-o si in scurt timp s-a plictisit de ea.
ana este foarte tanara,foarte frumoasa,foarte modesta si foarte la locul putea fi femeia perfecta.
in momentul de fata ana a
mai vrea sa faca nimic si pofta de viata si de nou a disparut.este trista si depresiva.stie ca ar putea face orice,ca ar fi cea mai buna in orice domeniu..fie ca ar lua de la inceput orice activitate pe care a desfasurat-o pana acum sau ar incerca un lucru nou.dar nu stie de ce.simte ca nu are nici un motiv sa faca asta..stie ca va excela apoi se va plictisi si o va lua de la capat cu altceva.
aceasta poveste este reala..anei ii trebuie motivare..vrea sa stie clar ce domeniu ar trebui sa aleaga si de ce acel domeniu este cel mai potrivit pentru ea.
cum o ajutam pe ana?
iata cum ana a crescut si se dovedea a fi o fetita geniala.
la inceputul clasei 1 voia sa devina medic chirurg si a invatat toate organele,rolul lor,muschii,oasele si tot ceea ce tine de corpul uman..
pe la sfarsitul clasei a patra ana voia sa devina pictor si a inceput sa picteze dumnezeieste tot ce ii iesea in cale..
in clasa a 8-a ana s-a decis ca avea sa fie model si iata ca in scurt timp de la absolvirea unei scoli de modeling a devenit cel mai bun instructor de modeling insa s-a plictisit de aceasta bransa..
la mijlocul liceului ana s-a indragostit de muzica si iata ca s-a ivit ocazia de a inregistra un album..
inainte de marea lansare a albumului ana s-a decis sa fie creatoare de moda si a inceput sa deseneze cele mai frumoase modele de rochii..
inainte ca modelele ei sa fie vazute de un creator de moda care ar fi putut sa o lanseze pe ana in lumea designerilor ana s-a indragostit nebuneste si s-a decis sa devina iubita perfecta..
cu putin timp inainte de a fi ceruta in casatorie ana a renuntat la iubit si a decis ca vrea sa fie o fata pe picioarele ei.
s-a angajat si in scurt timp a ajuns foarte buna in domeniul respectiv..
apoi s-a decis sa scrie o carte..a inceput-o,a continuat-o si in scurt timp s-a plictisit de ea.
ana este foarte tanara,foarte frumoasa,foarte modesta si foarte la locul putea fi femeia perfecta.
in momentul de fata ana a

aceasta poveste este reala..anei ii trebuie motivare..vrea sa stie clar ce domeniu ar trebui sa aleaga si de ce acel domeniu este cel mai potrivit pentru ea.
cum o ajutam pe ana?
dacă ana poate excela în orice, înseamnă că ea poate fi omul cu un suflet perfect. aşa că sfatul meu pentru ana e să îşi întrebe sufletul:)
RăspundețiȘtergereana este prea bulversata sa se regaseasca..are nevoie de sfaturi si,ca orice fata,de confirmarea ca da,poate face orice..ii trebuie doar o motivare..un sut in fund(un pas inainte)sau pur si simplu un sfat cald(ana nu prea are prieteni si familia-i este departe)
RăspundețiȘtergerePai Ana ar trebui sa fie doar Ana. S-ar putea sa fie incercarea vietii sale....
RăspundețiȘtergereSa ne spui daca a reusit.
ana stie bine ce trebuie sa faca. trebuie doar sa se asume. punct.
RăspundețiȘtergereLumea e plina de Ane. Unele din ele, zidite.
RăspundețiȘtergereMulti am avut / avem episoade de superficialitate.
Cred ca e o capcana sa crezi ca poti orice. Chiar de-ar fi adevarat, si de cele mai multe ori nu e, vestile proaste sunt:
1. oricum nu vei avea destul timp.
2. e ok sa zici ca poti orice numai cand o sa si termini lucrurile de care te apuci.
Inteleg ca ti-e draga Ana. Dus rece: uite-te atent, de-astia care pot orice sunt pe toate drumurile...
Cu ce e Ana realmente diferita de ei?
Raspunsul la intrebarea asta poate ajuta la datul directiei.
Si/sau: daca e realmente daruita, ce-ar fi sa incerce sa-i ajute ea pe altii, mai putin norocosi?
fedaykin,astea nu sunt vorbe de incurajare,spune anna,astea sunt mustrari..
RăspundețiȘtergereteodora,da ai dreptate cu ajutatul..dar ca sa poti ajuta pe altii trebuie sa te ajuti intai pe tine
pai ne ceruse o solutie, nu mangaieri pe crestet. si chiar asta trebuie sa faca, oricat de greu i s-ar parea
RăspundețiȘtergere"ca sa poti ajuta pe altii trebuie sa te ajuti intai pe tine" - tu de ce crezi asta?
Well, miss, I'm really glad to have seen that newest post because it is a bit more optimistic and that helps me to write this message knowing that you (and probably Ana too) will likely diminish its meaning, purpose and value but, hopefully not too much so that at least it may survive condensed, abbreviated and efficiently somewhere in the back of your (or her) mind.
I don't know Ana but you seem to know her really well and you insist that she can do anything and that is a fact. And if Ana is the same girl that you've spoken off before in these letters of yours then I'd think Ana has gone through quite some stuff in her life. It's hard to speak off and give advice to someone you don't know but I had met a girl once that had a similar trait with Ana; that is, she could do anything that she put her mind on. Let's call her "girl." The girl claimed that if she really wanted to do something she could do it. She could put her mind on it and accomplish it. And the only reason why she didn't do many things that most people say are the things they want, was because she didn't want to. She wanted and valued the simple things in life. Yet, she was still looking for that something, that thing that would make her really fly, although she wouldn't admit that to anyone. I never told her that I could read it in her like an open book but then again she would never admit it.
That girl was a real fighter. I could tell because I could see the wounds and I could tell because she did not mind that the wounds were showing. She was modest enough to not show them off but also sincere enough to admit that she had been wounded in battle. And, for a young girl, she was remarkably mature for she could tell she had been beaten. And that was ok. There's nothing extraordinary about being wounded in battle wouldn't you think? But she could not realize that she had only lost a battle no matter what the damage was. Unfortunately, she thought she had lost the war and her sword was now broken forever. And yet she kept saying that she could do anything she wanted to. So how could it be? Could she actually keep fighting then? I'm sure she could but she didn't want to. Yet she would claim that fighting was over for her and her sword was broken. Well I know that a real warrior is met with the fight from dust untill dawn. And if you're going to live, it means you'll have to fight. And to do that you need to stand on your feet and grab your sword. Which brings me to Ana. If she can stand on her feet then she is alive. If she is alive then she can walk. If she could only walk she could see that there is always a road under her feet no matter what the signs on the road say. And if she can walk then she can go find another sword. Better yet, custom made for her. Go have one made.
Empty words full of surrealism and ideology one would say. But what if it is as simple as that? As simple as taking a road, making a turn regardless of what's in front of you. This I would say to Ana. The next thing that she finds herself doing no matter how well or how bad she is doing it, make sure she takes it through to completion. Start walking down a path and don't think what is it that she is doing or where it is leading. Walk the path and make it her own. And if she started writing a book, continued it and then got bored of it then that's what she did because she wanted to do it like that. The book is not unfinished. She finished as much as she wanted to finish. And then she moved on.
It seems to me that Ana does not need motivation, and there is no one thing that is best suited for her other than herself.
If Ana is like the girl I had met and they have that one thing in common that they can both do whatever they watn to then I think Ana can stop wonedring about her destiny and fate and make the next road she finds walking on lead to her destiny. And I hope she does that soon for if she keeps wondering about her destiny and does not pave her path then her destiny will end up being just a thought of hers that never materialized.
Alternate letter to Ana:
RăspundețiȘtergereDear Ana,
I have been made aware of your troubles and in all sincerity I would like to suggest the possibility of the fact of your life that you may be most oblivious to:
You will have no destiny untill you start on the road to your destiny.
If you plan on planning and preparing for it then your life will be short lived.
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
I hope this is not too blunt.
a master of some kind
P.S. yes the full moon helped but please don't always count on it for we have planned for other uses of it sometimes and you may find yourself in more trouble.